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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Explain the installation of the Alngios nagios to monitor servers

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This lesson for the installation program

Ngios Nagios to monitor services on servers (servers), a developer of courtesy to the members and visitors, as well as managers of rental companies servers, hosting, and workers in the management of servers.

Who is this lesson?

To the owners of Hosting companies and rental companies servers In order to help the owners of Web Hosting and leasing servers to clarify how to monitor multiple servers, this is a dilemma faced by business owners specifically when you have 50 or 80 or 100 server or more, how will your employees to monitor such a large number of servers is only through this program and good knowledge ways of dealing with him. Managers Servers If you have been asked your manager manage 30 a servant or more and provide technical support to clients of these servers, you can pre-ticket client know where the problem server client for 30 servant at the same moment, will make it easier for you to manage those servers and saves you a lot of time and effort, in short, he was working on behalf of you in control of servers in charge of it!

What is Ngios Nagios?

Is one of the monitoring software services to the server, which sends an alert when the crash occurred or any service on the server service such as Apache or ftp .. And others. The program is characterized by the existence of a graphical user interface (ie, you can monitor your server through the browser directly) as well as featuring a special addon add tags are integrated with web browser (Mozilla Firefox).

What is the purpose of this lesson? The objective of this lesson is to explain the program installed on the servers Alngios operating system running CentOS. As the official website does not explain the preparation of the software only on Linux (Fedora - Suse - Ubuntu). Setup requirements: Should be on the server as follows: Apache Gcc Compiler GD Library ====================== Of course all the servers are located by Apache You can verify the presence of GCC compiler, libraries, GD command: Command: Code: rpm-qa egrep 'glibc-common gcc glibc gd gd-devel' That were not present, you can prepare them as follows: Commands: Code: yum install gcc yum install glibc glibc-common yum install gd gd-devel Prepared by: The first step: Add a new user name nagios. Code: useradd-s / bin / false-d / usr / local / nagios nagios Command to create a new Yoezer name nagios .. Shell and its false and folder Alhom tags is / Usr / local / nagios You can read more about something that useradd through the link Step Two: Add a new group on behalf of nagiosmt Code: groupadd nagiosmt Step Three: Add nagios Aliuser and Yoezer Apache is nobody to the new group that we have created in the previous step. Code: usermod-G nagiosmt nagios usermod-G nagiosmt nobody Step Four: Work folder to drag the program inside and not as, for example download Code: mkdir / root / download cd / root / download Step Five: Pull the Alngios: Code: wget MD5 signature file is: Code: 0387f2f418223a25333fd905fb499d4c And then decompress the file command: Code: tar-zxf nagios-3.0.6.tar.gz Then enter the folder to start the Setup program: Code: cd nagios-3.0.6 Step Six: Start preparations: Code: . / Configure - prefix = / usr / local / nagios - with-httpd-conf = / usr / local / apache / conf - with-command-group = nagiosmt Should be


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