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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Coco Chanel was a spy for the «Nazis»

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Coco Chanel was putting a mask. Although the biography of the French fashion designer has been known since 2011, but the new documentary which was aired during the past few days in the year, French television confirms that she was a spy active in favor of intelligence Nazi machine, and the pseudonymous "and Asameenstar," as quoted by the newspaper "El Mundo" Spanish. Although relations between Coco Chanel and positions of Nazi graduate, such as Baron Hans Guenther, have been known for years, but the historian Frank Ferrand, who directed the film documentary "under suspicion" proved that Chanel was a puppet, is rumored, for example, that the fashion designer began in cooperation with the Nazis in 1940, and in 1943 they send it to Madrid where he should meet with Winston Churchill to try to reach a truce. The famous French move as "Istmintr" to their relationship and short Bdouk Istmintr years in their twenties, were decoded in the German military intelligence service in 1944, is F'7124, according to Nazi leaders admitted that the French defense. Documentary also reveals that Coco Chanel got to use this power and strength in the attempt to restore the industry perfumes associated with her name, which was a Jewish family works since the twenties of the last century.

Pictures .. American artist made coral depths of glass

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Inflatable young American artist, Chania lib, glass inimitable in its own way, thus making deep-sea coral and wonders reflected in the glass sculptures in front of us. Published lib on its own recent work of art, which Glass has chosen to be its tool, even though they are working on several articles, and says: "I took the glass in this business for its ability curiosities on the floppy expression, and freezing at the moment of my choice, and manipulating visual beautiful." And obsessed Lib depths since childhood, considering the wonders of the artist should not be left behind, and adds "the ambiguity of the ocean inspires me, Almtracsh life in his stomach lightly call me as if I were numb private pleasure, and through the glass and purity express it."

Once painted dreams Astiqazaa sleep .. See the photos

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Published the young Bulgarian artist, Poly Kosova, on its own, the last images of her paintings, unique art collection, which has decided to document her dreams immediately Astiqazaa sleep. Kosova and says: "I taught myself, and I'm still explore the world of art, but I develop Tqanyaty as I develop the self, resorted to a new method stimulates my memory I hold my dreams with me from the world of subconscious immediately after waking, fearing that the image is lost forever." And Tmmes plates Kosova and dreams beside special surreal, won the admiration of many who follow this young woman, who inspired them to record their dreams in the stories or thoughts, or even fees.


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