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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cataclysm Beta - Azshara Tour (re-upload)

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Cataclysm Beta - Azshara Tour (re-upload)

Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around.

This video was from fairly early on in the beta but I had to remove it due to the use of an Edguy track. I've now finally gotten around to reuploading it and redubbed the music to something I have permission to use. Apologies if you've already seen it, but many requested that it be put back up because they hadn't.

WoW Cataclysm - Stonetalon Levelling Part 4 - The Finale

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WoW Cataclysm - Stonetalon Levelling Part 4 - The Finale

Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around.

We race towards the exciting and dark conclusion of this excellent low-level zone. Where we go from here, is up to you

Dramatic Pokemon Theme Reading "Portable Atrocities" (written by

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Dramatic Pokemon Theme Reading "Portable Atrocities" (written by

All credit for the original image goes to Shawn Handyside of Halolz - original image - Or it could have been written by an Anon. These days, there's no way to fuckin' tell. Either way, I didn't write it.

What can I say, it's late and I've had a little too much caffeine.

WTF is Swords and Soldiers HD?

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WTF is Swords and Soldiers HD?

TotalBiscuit gets into an upgraded version of the well-reviewed side-scrolling RTS, Swords and Soldiers, which originally came out on the Wii.

WTF is League of Legends?

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WTF is League of Legends?

Well I've been meaning to do something on LoL for a while so here it is. If the comments section turns into a HoN vs LoL shitfest it'll get closed. Nobody of importance gives a damn which game you play, keep it to yourself.

WoW Cataclysm - Stonetalon Levelling Part 3 - Blow my Kobold Horn

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WoW Cataclysm - Stonetalon Levelling Part 3 - Blow my Kobold Horn

Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around.

Things take a turn for the dull and confusing in the inevitable dip in quality before the awesome stuff later on.


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