"Ariana" is a child at the age of 3 years, decided to donate a portion of her hair to help children with cancer patients.
"Oarana" works her father in a charity organization called Extra Life is working to help children, and Jaetha idea when I saw some of the materials for sick children on a computer and her father, shows the child sick without hair on her head, and automatically said to her father, she wants to give part of her hair for this girl, what surprised her father, who is named "John Smith."
The Web site abcnews US that the father wanted to bring to the girl what you want and look for a charitable organization can achieve the desire of his daughter Charity and chose organization Locks of Love, which accept such donations, and has already gone to the place to cut her hair and took him to 10 inches and sent to the organization and picked up images of happiness what you do, carrying a paper written by "My name Oarana and Omri 3 years and get the day's first haircut in order to have another girl like me hair."
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