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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Study: surgery for a long-term cause blood clots

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, According to a new study by the Medical Faculty of Medicine "Vienberg" in Chicago, USA, that patients who are going through a long-term surgical operations are more prone to blood clots after the procedure. She added that as a result of exposure to blood vessels in the patient's body to the air during a surgical procedure, consisting of some notable clots is then transmitted through the blood vessels in the body, causing a blood clot in one of the members. Researchers in the study collected data on 1.7 million people in the United States, they have gone through a long surgical operations or short, fact-Tech Data discovered infected more than 10 thousand people bloody stroke after a period of currency. Also found increased incidence of stroke in patients who have had a long surgical operations, more than those who performed the surgery of short duration.

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